CCRMP and OASIS spawning ground survey data can be found here.
Spawning Ground Surveys:
Many of CCRMP's project results are included within Pacific Salmon Commission Chinook Technical Committee reports, which can be found here.
Scientific Bulletins
CCRMP staff are in the process of completing scientific bulletins for ODFW that when published will be found here. Below are some of the papers published earlier on in the program.
- Riggers, B, Jacobs, S, and White, J. 1999. Calibration of Methods to Survey for Fall Chinook Salmon in North Fork Nehalem and South Fork Coos Rivers. link
- Weeks, H, Riggers, B, and White J. 2003. Fall Chinook Salmon in the Siuslaw River: Spawner Escapement, Run Reconstruction and Survey Calibration 2001-2002. link
- Weeks, H, Riggers, B, and White, J. 2003. Fall Chinook Salmon in the Coquille River: Spawner Escapement, Run Reconstruction and Survey Calibration 2001-2002. link
- White, J, Weeks, H, and Riggers, B. 2003, Nehalem River Fall Chinook Salmon Escapement Indicator Project 1998-2002. link
Scientific Journals
Riggers, B and Jones, M. 2022. Paradigm Shift: Applying Capture–Recapture Techniques to Electronic Licensing System Data to Estimate Chinook Salmon Harvest. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:4 815-827. link